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Child Safeguarding Statement required in Riding Centres


All Riding Centres should have a Child Safeguarding Statement available to their clients and employees.  Members have been emailed a sample together with a Risk Assessment, both of these documents can be adapted according to the facilities and services on offer.

A Risk Assessment should be filled out before completing the Child Safeguarding Statement .  It is a requirement of the Children First Act 2015 and of the National Vetting Bureau (Children & Vulnerable Person) Act 2012 that a Child Safeguarding Statement is displayed or is available in all premises that look after/caters for/teaches/has access to Children & Vulnerable Adults. 

Safeguarding Statement (must be available to clients/employees) and Risk Assessment as relevant to your business.  

Garda Vetting must be in place for any volunteer or employed person over the age of 16 in every Riding Centre which has a child/vulnerable person on the premises at any time.  This is a legal requirement.  N.B.  The responsibility lies with the employer rather than the employee.  There is a possible Employer Fine of €8000 for non-compliance.  TUSLA have commenced visits to child-based services to ensure all the required paperwork is to hand.